
personal project shite

more to come

74u bake

baked out the 74u.

The rest of the variants should happen pretty quickly now, as they share a receiver, sights, stock and magazine of the ones already done.

After that, the accessories. the gp-30 still needs sights, the rpk needs a bipod. maybe some other accessories like magclamps.

baking all those scopes will be a bitch.


specs and textures and shiznit. downloads soon.




normal/amb bake and some quick base textures. Need to add text decally type thingies and a spec map. Tbh, because I sculpted stuff in in zbrush, the bakes do a lot of the texture work for me.

At the moment, I have a metal texture off cgtextures overlaying a grey colour to control the base colour, and two wood textures, one for colour and one for shape. Over that is the amb bake, as well as a dirt pass which uses the cavity map to mask it off.

Marmoset is fucking awesome.


been watching chewin the fat.

its never too early for a fusilier


working on the reddit game jam thingy with ciaran and kenny

working title: FLYRIM


my interface just now...


rendering out a loopi8ng videof for teh portfolio. please excuse ,u spelin, vodka talkign

making a proper website

work in progress...


arms: http://i.imgur.com/ZwwJ0.jpg