
making hands/arms.

bake is awful atm, and I need to bring the polycount down.
I based the uv's on the way stalker does their arms, because I had a stalker arm texture lying about to reference. Also, UV'ing fingers is a puzzle. There's no good way to hide the seams :(
Thought about making a modular version (gloves, no gloves, sleeves, no sleeves, fingerless gloves/fullfinger gloves etc.) but its too much of a hassle just now. Maybe if I get a decent workflow going (and some spare time!) then I'll give that a try, but atm I just want to get it rigged :p

wrinkles on the gloves are terrible, they need redone.
Also, the whole sleeve is kinda crappy, I didnt spend nearly enough time on that. Although I did manage to waste time on the palm of the hand and the knuckles, which you'll never see. Well done me.

Shown in marmoset 1.04, the new lightmaps are puuurdy. Favourite is Pisa.