
I made a pistol for the udk scene. It's gonna be lying around along with the helmet and the ak I made ages ago. The idea is to imply that the soldiers that were here before all left in a hurry or got killed or something.


It was the usual process, model a high poly model, then a low, and bake normal maps and an ambient occlusion map in Xnormal.

The bakes came out really well, I was really pleased with how clean they were.

The textures were made by baking out a mask texture from the high to the low, and using that as a selection for different base textures (e.g bakelite for the handle, metal for the slide/receiver). Then there was the usual normal map filters, and then I made a spec map using lots of brightness/contrast, hue/saturation changes, as well as painting in some edging and scratches, and adding some splotchy colour to the slide to give it a kind of oily sheen.

All these pictures (except from the high poly one) were rendered in marmoset.