

So I made a TV.

The screen flickers, and has static panning over it all the time. You can get a better look at the material by clicking the screenshot.
It also uses static mesh emissive lighting on the screen, giving it a nice glow.
I like the emissive lighting in UDK, it looks a lot better than the other lighting. Unfortunately it's not dynamic, and has to be baked, so it doesn't always have many uses.

With emissive lighting, you can't use a mesh larger than 5000 triangles, which isn't a problem with the tv, but when you do go over the limit you don't get a warning or an error message, so it can be hard to figure out what went wrong.

This is the first material I've made that makes use of a sine or a time node. I used those to get the flickering. The sine goes from 0-1,  which was too harsh, so I multiplied it a bit to get a softer change.

If I was to make the tv again, I'd throw a lot more polys at it. At the minute it's 33 triangles, but with normal, specular maps etc.
I'd also make it one material. At the minute it is split between a fairly simple material for the casing etc., but the transition is noticeable (sometimes) so I'd probably just do it with masks and so on next time.