
I made some concrete pillars for my UDK scene.

They're pretty simple concrete pillars that I sculpted some damage into in Zbrush, and baked to normal maps/ambocc maps in Xnormal. I made some variations by adding pipes and wires, and further variations will be accomplished inside UDK using decals for dirt and markings. I also made a fire extinguisher, but forgot to make a stand for it to attach to the pillar. Ah well.

These screens are from marmoset.

I made rebar insides for the pillars that can be used as core meshes for the UDK fracture tool. This means that they stay inside the pillar holding its shape when it gets shot up.

The only problems I've had so far is getting the core mesh to show up before it takes any damage, as one of the pillar variations has some big damage modelling in already where the rebar shows through. The other problem is that the UDK rocket launcher seems to do some fairly weedy damage to the fractured meshes, so I'll need to find a way to boost that.


I also remade that TV. I made a new mesh and new textures, and also changed how it works in UDK.

Now, it has three different screen meshes. One for when the tv is on, one for off, and one that is all smashed up. The tv can be switched on and off by pressing use on the buttons. This makes a switching noise as well.

The "On " screen is a realtime capture of the scene from a camera somewhere behind the view.

There's also a proper cubemap for the reflections, as opposed to a plain image like all my previous reflective stuff.