So I did this texture by hand in gimp, tonight. The mag is the old DDo texture. Ddo crashes too much to be useful for now. E.g, I had a texture for the whole asset made in Ddo, but some bug means that rendering the project doesn't respect the base texture you imported, meaning big chunks of the texture didn't render out.
I may re-uv to do mirroring in the UV's, I didn't do any because I wanted to use OS norms but that didn't work out, so I might just re-uv it and bake these textures to the new model.
Anyhoo, I tried not to go too crazy with the wear/dirt on this texture, whilst still making a bit "lived in". I like the close control I get making textures by hand, but I can see how DDo would come into play for less important props, or for getting a base to add to. If it was more stable and had a wider range of presets (wood being conspicuously missing) it might even work for hero assets.