So, made the gloss map, and added some small details to the normal map. I added some bumpy varnish detail to the wood, as well as some woodgrain the the wee bits of exposed wood there, as well as bumping in some of the scratches. For the metal, I did the same kind of thing, but less pronounced. Usually I wouldn't put metal details in the normal map, but in this case it helps break up the smoothing errors brought on by the dimple in the lower receiver, although happily they're not particularly pronounced anyway. I wanted to add details to the wood because large, flat or gently curved surfaces like the stock don't tend to normal map that well (in my experience) because the gradients suffer quite badly from texture compression, even simply when saved as 8 bit .tga straight from xnormal, instead of saving to 16 bit .tif and converting to 8 bit later. Adding some small details to these areas helps to break up the gradients and force the compression to play nice with my texture.
This one still has the DDo textures on the magazine, so that's why the ddo logo is there. When I update those I'll update the render too.
Anyhoo, once this is out of the way I'm going to go back and finish up an environment I started a while ago. Really have to learn to finish things that I start.