
baked this. crappy placeholder textures


personal project shite

more to come

74u bake

baked out the 74u.

The rest of the variants should happen pretty quickly now, as they share a receiver, sights, stock and magazine of the ones already done.

After that, the accessories. the gp-30 still needs sights, the rpk needs a bipod. maybe some other accessories like magclamps.

baking all those scopes will be a bitch.


specs and textures and shiznit. downloads soon.




normal/amb bake and some quick base textures. Need to add text decally type thingies and a spec map. Tbh, because I sculpted stuff in in zbrush, the bakes do a lot of the texture work for me.

At the moment, I have a metal texture off cgtextures overlaying a grey colour to control the base colour, and two wood textures, one for colour and one for shape. Over that is the amb bake, as well as a dirt pass which uses the cavity map to mask it off.

Marmoset is fucking awesome.


been watching chewin the fat.

its never too early for a fusilier


working on the reddit game jam thingy with ciaran and kenny

working title: FLYRIM


my interface just now...


rendering out a loopi8ng videof for teh portfolio. please excuse ,u spelin, vodka talkign

making a proper website

work in progress...


arms: http://i.imgur.com/ZwwJ0.jpg


Glock In-game images
from GameBanana compiled my glock for counter strike source! It's super awesom! I'm chuffed!


should have used 16 sides on the silencer instead of 12.

also, should have done actual useful work instead of this.


napkin's colt python

quick texturing practice or w/e.

not my model.


Texture size

Was wondering about texture size, so I made this comparison gif.

As you can see, the difference between 2048 and 1024 is almost impossible to tell. Then, the difference down to 512x512 is acceptable as well. Only when you get to 256x256 does it make any real important difference.

In the smaller version, the difference is even less noticeable (obviously). For a third person game, for example, you would probably never see the gun any larger on the screen, except perhaps in a cutscene.

I was surprised how sharp it stayed at such low resolutions.
making hands/arms.

bake is awful atm, and I need to bring the polycount down.
I based the uv's on the way stalker does their arms, because I had a stalker arm texture lying about to reference. Also, UV'ing fingers is a puzzle. There's no good way to hide the seams :(
Thought about making a modular version (gloves, no gloves, sleeves, no sleeves, fingerless gloves/fullfinger gloves etc.) but its too much of a hassle just now. Maybe if I get a decent workflow going (and some spare time!) then I'll give that a try, but atm I just want to get it rigged :p

wrinkles on the gloves are terrible, they need redone.
Also, the whole sleeve is kinda crappy, I didnt spend nearly enough time on that. Although I did manage to waste time on the palm of the hand and the knuckles, which you'll never see. Well done me.

Shown in marmoset 1.04, the new lightmaps are puuurdy. Favourite is Pisa.


makin some hands to rig for youdeekay

base mesh is from makehuman cos im lazy


imgur gallery:

release here: http://www.cdg.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=60210
doesnt inlcude textures, just amb+norm bakes. might put the textures up eventually.
had a stab at Seph's fantastic Kimber Warrior

bigger pic here: http://imgur.com/a/Vhnq2#1


set us up the bomb

new pics

the orange is semtex, studded with big ball bearings, like the faux claymores from swordfish. theyre hidden under the money to kill w/e drugdealer or arms baron or w/e is getting the money.

models in marmo, i baked the normals for most of it in blender internal, the semtex was sculpted up a bit in zbrush then baked in xnormal.






needs a front sight block

this is a quick paintover on the high poly with ambocc and some basic textures slapped on.


moar scope

quick update i guess

i figure ill use this bloggie thing more

also, linky to some older ak stuff (not that much older, but w/e)






think ill make a new portfolio site
in the meantime, ive been working on this

clicky  ↓


I made some concrete pillars for my UDK scene.

They're pretty simple concrete pillars that I sculpted some damage into in Zbrush, and baked to normal maps/ambocc maps in Xnormal. I made some variations by adding pipes and wires, and further variations will be accomplished inside UDK using decals for dirt and markings. I also made a fire extinguisher, but forgot to make a stand for it to attach to the pillar. Ah well.

These screens are from marmoset.

I made rebar insides for the pillars that can be used as core meshes for the UDK fracture tool. This means that they stay inside the pillar holding its shape when it gets shot up.

The only problems I've had so far is getting the core mesh to show up before it takes any damage, as one of the pillar variations has some big damage modelling in already where the rebar shows through. The other problem is that the UDK rocket launcher seems to do some fairly weedy damage to the fractured meshes, so I'll need to find a way to boost that.


I also remade that TV. I made a new mesh and new textures, and also changed how it works in UDK.

Now, it has three different screen meshes. One for when the tv is on, one for off, and one that is all smashed up. The tv can be switched on and off by pressing use on the buttons. This makes a switching noise as well.

The "On " screen is a realtime capture of the scene from a camera somewhere behind the view.

There's also a proper cubemap for the reflections, as opposed to a plain image like all my previous reflective stuff.


I made a pistol for the udk scene. It's gonna be lying around along with the helmet and the ak I made ages ago. The idea is to imply that the soldiers that were here before all left in a hurry or got killed or something.


It was the usual process, model a high poly model, then a low, and bake normal maps and an ambient occlusion map in Xnormal.

The bakes came out really well, I was really pleased with how clean they were.

The textures were made by baking out a mask texture from the high to the low, and using that as a selection for different base textures (e.g bakelite for the handle, metal for the slide/receiver). Then there was the usual normal map filters, and then I made a spec map using lots of brightness/contrast, hue/saturation changes, as well as painting in some edging and scratches, and adding some splotchy colour to the slide to give it a kind of oily sheen.

All these pictures (except from the high poly one) were rendered in marmoset.



So I made a TV.

The screen flickers, and has static panning over it all the time. You can get a better look at the material by clicking the screenshot.
It also uses static mesh emissive lighting on the screen, giving it a nice glow.
I like the emissive lighting in UDK, it looks a lot better than the other lighting. Unfortunately it's not dynamic, and has to be baked, so it doesn't always have many uses.

With emissive lighting, you can't use a mesh larger than 5000 triangles, which isn't a problem with the tv, but when you do go over the limit you don't get a warning or an error message, so it can be hard to figure out what went wrong.

This is the first material I've made that makes use of a sine or a time node. I used those to get the flickering. The sine goes from 0-1,  which was too harsh, so I multiplied it a bit to get a softer change.

If I was to make the tv again, I'd throw a lot more polys at it. At the minute it's 33 triangles, but with normal, specular maps etc.
I'd also make it one material. At the minute it is split between a fairly simple material for the casing etc., but the transition is noticeable (sometimes) so I'd probably just do it with masks and so on next time.



So I made this bullet a while ago as part of the Mare's Leg model I made for Fistful of Frags.
Anyway, as you can see from the mares leg video, the textures for the old one were crap. So I experimented with texturing the bullet to figure out the best way to redo the gun.

I'm pleased with how it turned out. The turnaround video above, and the breakdown screenshots are from the blender realtime opengl viewport, but it's all easily adapted into UDK or other engines.
Inside UDK

I'll probably mess around with the UDK material a bit more to get it looking a little closer to the turnaround video.



I made some damage decals out of textures from cgtextures.com.

In game screenshot.

It's a bit more complicated than just throwing the texture in straight from the website.

The first, fairly basic step was to resize it to a power of two....size.

Then, I painted a black and white heightmap to plug into a bumpoffset node.
I also made a normal map, basically using the same techniques from here.
The other textures are specular and alpha. The alpha was easy, as it was provided by cgtextures. The spec was just made by manipulating the colour texture.

The height map, spec map and alpha map all went into one texture as the red, green and blue channels.
I could have put two of them into the alpha channels of the colour and normal maps, but then I'd have one map left over that didn't need a full rgb texture, so this way, if they're imported as "Compression No Alpha", there are no wasted channels.

So, because I was making a bunch of these, I made one master material to use (like this guy), so I could make a bunch of material instances, which are quicker because you don't have to set up the nodes everytime, or sit waiting for it to compile all the time.

I should probably point out that it's a DecalMaterial rather than a plain Material, because I forgot the first time and had to remake the material, because apparently there isn't a way to convert them.

Basically, because I converted the textures in the master material to texture parameters, when I make an instance of that material, I can easily add textures in the instance editor.

So anyway, I made a bunch of them, and some similar ones that weren't as complicated.

Decals are cool.

This is another one done in basically the same way. The parallax effect from the bumpoffset node isn't *super* apparent, but it does add a nice feeling of depth, and combined with the normal map means it catches the light quite nicely.

So anyway, there were a few of those.

The other thing I did today was to make a big fan.
The idea is that there's a big fan over the centrepiece of the scene, with a light going through it casting a cool shadow thats moving and so on.

So I made a crappy model and I baked a crappy normal map, and I made a crappy texture. Who cares, you won't be lookin at it.

The shadow changes as the fan rotates, which is cool and badass and awesome.
The fan blades are a seperate model from the fan..housing? So anyway you need to convert the static meshes to movers (or the blades at least) and change the physics settings (in the f4 menu) to rotating instead of interpolating, and change the yaw under rotation rate to something interesting.
Then add a DominantSpotlight, play with its settings, and select the whole thing and create a prefab from it so you don't have to faff about later on when you want to import it into the actual map.